Instructions for SSH through the Secure Gateway

Image of srngatewhite1

To access SNL’s ECN Capacity Clusters, SRN Capacity Clusters and SRN Advanced Architecture Testbeds. Note: For more information on logging into the Advanced Architecture Testbeds, please see the Advanced Architecture FAQ entry How do I log in to a testbed?

SSH to using your preferred method

From a terminal window

ssh -l (or just your SNL UserID depending on where your are coming from. If one fails, try the other)

Use Pin plus output from your SNL issued Yubikey as your password when prompted.

 From an SSH Client

Host Name:

Port: 22

Username: SNL UserID

Password: Pin plus output from SNL issued Yubikey

From the srngate menu (pictured above);

  • Select option 2 kinit Acquire kerberos credentials to get Kerberos credentials
  • At the password prompt, enter your SNL Unclassified Kerberos password
  • You will be returned to the srngate menu  above, select option 1 ssh session to ssh to a specific system
    • Try the system name e.g. “skybridge”. If that doesn’t work, try a specific login node name. Login nodes are usually in machine-login[1,2,…] format.
    • Most HPC clusters and testbeds will use the SRN Kerberos password or Yubikey pin + output. A notable exception is Solo, which will use an ECN password.