
Existing page has an invalid SAND number: XXXX-2012.

Requesting Accounts

The accounts that you will request will depend on your site and the resource(s) you need to access. Please see the table below for the common account request methods.

If your site is not listed or if you have questions, please contact Sandia’s HPC OneStop at 505/844-9328 or email

Your Location

SNL Account RequestLLNL Account Request   LANL Account Request
SNLWebCARS * ( (,
request Open(OCF)/Classified(SCF)
SARAPE (, request Trinity/Trinitite
request Unclassified(SRN)/Classified(SCN)
IDM ( (, request Trinity/Trinitite
request Unclassified(SRN)/Classified(SCN)
request Open(OCF)/Classified(SCF)
See instructions at

Who can use SARAPE?

SARAPE is a domain-restricted, web based application that allows users from the following sites to request remote accounts for selected resources at LANL, LLNL, and SNL (Tri-Labs).

  • Tri-Labs – Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), and Sandia National Laboratories (SNL).
  • National Security Complex (NSC) – DOE Cyber Incident Response Capability (CIRC), Kansas City Plant (KCP), NNSA Headquarters (NNSAHQ), NNSA Service Center (NNSASC), Pantex (PNTX), Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), Savannah River Site Tritium (SRST), and Y-12 (Y12).
  • ASC Alliance Partners (PSAAP)– Notre Dame University (NDU), Stanford University (STAN), Texas A&M (TAMU), University of Florida (UFL), University of Illinois in Urbana-Champagne (UIUC), and University of Utah (UTAH).

From your site’s network go to: and select “Submit A Request”. If you are from one of the sites listed above but are on a public or private network, you will not be able to access the request form.

If you are from a site other than those listed above, and are interested in requesting cyber access to one of the Tri-Labs, contact your collaborator/sponsor at the appropriate lab.