Sandia Labs participates in the world’s leading HPC conference
Once again, members of the Sandia National Lab’s workforce share their expertise with the HPC community at SC19 through tutorials and workshops, technical posters and papers, numerous Birds-of-a-Feather sessions, the Early Career Program and recruiting activities. In addition, Sandia is one of 17 Department of Energy Laboratories participating in the DOE National Labs exhibit booth presenting technical material and live demonstrations throughout the conference.
Here’s a day-by-day guide to sessions featuring Sandia National Labs staff — click on the links for more information and come see us in the DOE booth:
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Tools and Techniques for Programming GPUs8:30am – 5pm, Room 403 Presenters: Mark Gates, Jakub Kurzak, Siva Rajamanickam, Christian Trott
Container Computing for HPC and Scientific Workflows1:30pm – 5pm, Room 201 Presenters: Richard Shane Canon, Andrew J. Younge, Sameer Shende, Eduardo Arango
Parallel Applications Workshop, Alternatives to MPI+X9am – 5:30pm, Room 507 Session Chairs: Karla Morris, Brad Chamberlain, Rosa M. Badia, Sean Treichler, Bill Long, Francesco Rizzi
Sandia Author/Presenters: Ichitaro Yamazaki
The 2019 International Workshop on Software Engineering for HPC-Enabled Research (SE-HER 2019)9am – 5:30pm, Room 710
Sandia Author/Presenters: Michael A. Heroux, Reed Milewicz, Jim Willenbring, Elaine M. Raybourn
Workshop on Exascale MPI (ExaMPI)9am – 5:30pm, Room 605 Session Chairs: Ryan Grant, Anthony Skjellum, Purushotham Bangalore, Daniel Holmes
Sandia Author/Presenters: Kurt Ferreira
Monday, November 18, 2019
Better Scientific Software8:30am – 5pm, Room 401 Presenters: David E. Bernholdt, Anshu Dubey, Michael A. Heroux, Jared ONeal, Patricia Grubel, Rinku Gupta
6th International Workshop on HPC User Support Tools (HUST-19)9am – 12:30pm, Room 507 Sandia Author/Presenters: Samuel Knight, Jeremiah Wilke
10th Workshop on Latest Advances in Scalable Algorithms for Large-Scale Systems9am – 5:30pm, Room 607 Sandia Author/Presenters: Michael Heroux
International Parallel Data Systems Workshop (PDSW)9am – 5:30pm, Room 601 Session Chairs: Jay Lofstead, Suzanne McIntosh
ISAV 2019: In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-Scale Analysis and Visualization9am – 5:30pm, Room 708 Session Chairs: Wes Bethel, Kenneth Moreland, Nicola Ferrier, Matthew Wolf, Hank Childs, Christoph Garth, Bruno Raffin
Sandia Author/Presenters: Kenneth Moreland, Jeffrey Mauldin, Thomas Otahal, Anthony Agelestos, Stefan Domino
MCHPC’19: Workshop on Memory Centric High Performance Computing9am – 5:30pm, Room 501 Session Chairs: Yonghong Yan, Ron Brightwell, Xian-He Sun, Maya Gokhale
Sixth Workshop on Accelerator Programming Using Directives (WACCPD)9am – 5:30pm, Room 702
Sandia Author/Presenters: Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Christian Robert Trott
The 10th International Workshop on Performance Modeling, Benchmarking, and Simulation of High-Performance Computer Systems (PMBS19)9am – 5:30pm, Room 603 Session Chairs: Steven A. Wright, Stephen Jarvis, Simon Hammond
Sandia Author/Presenters: Omar Aaziz, Courtenay Vaughan, Jeanine Cook
Containers and New Orchestration Paradigms for Isolated Environments in HPC (CANOPIE HPC)2pm – 5:30pm, Room 704-706 Session Chairs: Andrew Younge, Richard Shane Canon
Sandia Author/Presenters: Andrew J. Younge, Ryan Eric Grant
Modern Software Design, Tools, and Practices2:30pm – 5pm, Room 705-707 Presenters: Elsa Gonsiorowski, Reed Milewicz
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
In the DOE Booth #925
Demo Station #1: The Kokkos C++ Performance Portability EcoSystem 12:00pm – 1:00pm Speaker: Christian Trott
Poster 126: A Machine Learning Approach to Understanding HPCApplication Performance Variation8:30am – 5pm, Room E Concourse Authors: Burak Aksar, Benjamin Schwaller, Omar Aaziz, Emre Ates, Jim Brandt, Ayse K. Coskun, Manuel Egele, Vitus Leung
Poster 53: Unstructured Mesh Technologies for Fusion Simulations8:30am – 5pm, Room E Concourse Authors: Cameron Smith, Gerrett Diamond, Gopan Perumpilly, Chonglin Zhang, Agnieszka Truszkowska, Morteza Hakimi, Onkar Sahni, Mark Shephard, Eisung Yoon, Daniel Ibanez
Poster 133: Portable Resilience with Kokkos8:30am – 5pm, Room E Concourse Authors: Jeffery Miles, Nicolas Morales, Carson Mould, Keita Teranishi
Poster 105: Holistic Measurement Driven System Assessment8:30am – 5pm, Room E Concourse Authors: Saurabh Jha, Mike Showerman, Aaron Saxton, Jeremy Enos, Greg Bauer, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, Ann Gentile, Jim Brandt, Ravi Iyer, William T. Kramer
Energy Efficiency Considerations for HPC Procurements12:15pm – 1:15pm, Room 601-603 Session Leaders: Gert Svensson, Jason Hick, James Laros, Carlo Cavazzoni, William Thigpen, Ryousei Takano, Herbert Huber, Steven Martin
Extreme-Scale Scientific Software Stack (E4S)12:15pm – 1:15pm, Room 405-406-407 Session Leaders: Sameer Shende, Michael Heroux, James Willenbring, Todd Gamblin, Andrew Younge, Todd Munson
Power API12:15pm – 1:15pm, Room 607 Session Leaders: Ryan Grant, Steve Martin, Barry Rountree, Masaaki Kondo, Todd Rosedahl, Torsten Wilde
Quantum Computing at the DOE Laboratories: Status and Future Directions12:15pm – 1:15pm, Room 505 Session Leaders: Travis Humble, Yuri Aleexev, Michael McGuigan, Panagiotis Spentzouris, Jonathan Dubois, Scott Pakin, Bert de Jong, Nathan Wiebe, Ojas Parekh
The IO-500 and the Virtual Institute of I/O12:15pm – 1:15pm, Room 205-207 Session Leaders: George Markomanolis, John Bent, Julian Kunkel, Jay Lofstead
User-Level Threads for Performant and Portable HPC12:15pm – 1:15pm, Room 501-205 Session Leaders: Stephen Olivier, Shintaro Iwasaki, Kenjiro Taura, Laxmikant “Sanjay” Kale, Jesus Labarta
Can Arm Take the Lead in HPC?5:15pm – 6:45pm, Room 301-302-303 Session Leaders: John Linford, Andrew Younge, Oscar Hernandez, Mitsuhisa Sato, Simon McIntosh-Smith, Keith Obenschain
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
In the DOE Booth #925
Demo Station #2: Advances in HPC Monitoring, Run-time Performance Analysis, Visualization, and Feedback 11:00am – 12:00pm Speaker: Jim Brandt
Demo Station #1: The Kokkos C++ Performance Portability EcoSystem 12:00pm – 1:00pm Speaker: Christian Trott
Featured Speaker: Supercontainers for HPC 2:30pm – 3:15pm Speaker: Andrew Younge
Roundtable 1: Neural Inspired Computing 4:00pm – 5:00pm Speaker: Suma Cardwell
INCA: In-Network Compute Assistance3:30pm – 4pm, Room 301-302-303 Authors: Whit Schonbein, Ryan E. Grant, Matthew G. F. Dosanjh, Dorian Arnold
Poster 150: A Machine Learning Approach to Understanding HPC Application Performance Variation8:30am – 5pm, Room E Concourse Authors: Burak Aksar, Benjamin Schwaller, Omar Aaziz, Emre Ates, Jim Brandt, Ayse K. Coskun, Manuel Egele, Vitus Leung
Performance Portable Resilience with Kokkos8:30am – 5pm, Room E Concourse Authors: Jeffery Miles, Nicolas Morales, Carson Mould, Keita Teranishi
Holistic Measurement Driven System Assessment8:30am – 5pm, Room E Concourse Authors: Saurabh Jha, Mike Showerman, Aaron Saxton, Jeremy Enos, Greg Bauer, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, Ann Gentile, Jim Brandt, Ravi Iyer, William T. Kramer
Poster 122: Project 38: Accelerating Architecture Innovation into Fieldable Extreme-scale Systems (A cross-agency effort)8:30am – 5pm, Room E Concourse Authors: John Shalf, Dilip Vasudevan, David Donofrio, Anastasia Butko, Andrew Chien, Yuanwei Fang, Arjun Rawal, Chen Zou, Raymond Bair, Kristopher Keipert, Arun Rodriguez, Maya Gokhale, Scott Lloyd, Xiaochen Guo, Yuan Zeng
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: Ethics in HPC12:15pm – 1:15pm, Room 605 Session Leaders: Margaret Lawson, Jay Lofstead, Jakob Lüttgau
Containers in HPC5:15pm – 6:45pm, Room 405-406-407 Session Leaders: Andrew Younge, Shane Canon, Chris Newburn
Software Engineering and Reuse in Modeling, Simulation, and Data Analytics for Science and Engineering5:15pm – 6:45pm, Room 710 Session Leaders: David Bernholdt, Jeffrey Carver, Neil Chue Hong, William Gropp, Carina Haupt, Michael Heroux, Axel Huebl, Guido Juckeland, Mozhgan Kabiri Chimeh, Daniel Katz
Thursday, November 21, 2019
In the DOE Booth #925
Roundtable 1: Growing Pains? Try PSIP: Hands On, Lightweight “Team of Teams” Productivity Planning 1:00pm – 2:00pm Speaker: Elaine Raybourn
Scalable Generation of Graphs for Benchmarking HPC Community-Detection Algorithms2pm – 2:30pm, Room 301-302-303 Authors: George M. Slota, Jonathan W. Berry, Simon D. Hammond, Stephen L. Olivier, Cynthia A. Phillips, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam
Poster 150: A Machine Learning Approach to Understanding HPC Application Performance Variation8:30am – 5pm, Room E Concourse Authors: Burak Aksar, Benjamin Schwaller, Omar Aaziz, Emre Ates, Jim Brandt, Ayse K. Coskun, Manuel Egele, Vitus Leung
Poster 53: Unstructured Mesh Technologies for Fusion Simulations8:30am – 5pm, Room E Concourse Authors: Cameron Smith, Gerrett Diamond, Gopan Perumpilly, Chonglin Zhang, Agnieszka Truszkowska, Morteza Hakimi, Onkar Sahni, Mark Shephard, Eisung Yoon, Daniel Ibanez
Poster 133: Portable Resilience with Kokkos8:30am – 5pm, Room E Concourse Authors: Jeffery Miles, Nicolas Morales, Carson Mould, Keita Teranishi
Holistic Measurement Driven System Assessment8:30am – 5pm, Room E Concourse Authors: Saurabh Jha, Mike Showerman, Aaron Saxton, Jeremy Enos, Greg Bauer, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, Ann Gentile, Jim Brandt, Ravi Iyer, William T. Kramer
Poster 122: Project 38: Accelerating Architecture Innovation into Fieldable Extreme-Scale Systems (A Cross-Agency Effort)8:30am – 5pm, Room E Concourse Authors: John Shalf, Dilip Vasudevan, David Donofrio, Anastasia Butko, Andrew Chien, Yuanwei Fang, Arjun Rawal, Chen Zou, Raymond Bair, Kristopher Keipert, Arun Rodriguez, Maya Gokhale, Scott Lloyd, Xiaochen Guo, Yuan Zeng
Advanced Architecture Testbeds: Community Resources for Enhanced HPC Research12:15pm – 1:15pm, Room 710 Session Leaders: Jiajia Li, Kevin Barker, Mark Klein, Alice Koniges, James Laros, Jeffrey Vetter
HPCG Benchmark Update12:15pm – 1:15pm, Room 704-706 Session Leaders: Jeff Young, Michael Heroux, Jack Dongarra, Piotr Luszczek
Knowledge Is Power: Unleashing the Potential of Your Archives Through Metadata12:15pm – 1:15pm, Room 301-302-303 Session Leaders: Jay Lofstead, Margaret Lawson, Julian Kunkel
Friday, November 22, 2019
Enabling Machine Learning-Based HPC Performance Diagnostics in Production Environments 8:30am – 10am, Room 205-207 Panelists: Ann Gentile, William Kramer, Richard Gerber, Nick Brown, Aaron Saxton
The Road to Exascale and Beyond Is Paved by Software: How Algorithms, Libraries and Tools Will Make Exascale Performance Real 10:30am – 12pm, Room 201-203 Panelists: Michael A. Heroux, James P. Ahrens, Sadaf R. Alam, Ann Almgren, Erin C. Carson, Ada A. Sedova
2nd International Workshop on Performance, Portability, and Productivity in HPC (P3HPC)8:30am – 12pm, Room 401-402-403-404 Sandia Author/Presenters: Christian Robert Trott, Dan Ibanez, Daniel Sunderland, David S. Hollman, Mark Hoemmen, David Poliakoff
Workshop on Fault-Tolerance for HPC at Extreme Scale (FTXS)8:40am – 12pm, Room 301-302-303 Session Chairs: Scott Levy, Nathan DeBardeleben, Keita Teranishi, John Daly